Simple Keyword Search of Internet-Drafts and RFCs

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RFC4266 (2005-11) [PS] ← draft-hoffman-gopher-uri-03 (2005-01-03) ∼ “The gopher URI Scheme” by P. Hoffman
RFC4266 (2005-11) [PS] ← RFC1738 (1994-12) [PS] [Updated by RFC1808, RFC2368, RFC2396, RFC3986, RFC6196, RFC6270, RFC8089] ← draft-ietf-uri-url-07 (1994-09-08) ∼ “The gopher URI Scheme” by P. Hoffman
RFC4248 (2005-10) [PS] ← draft-hoffman-telnet-uri-05 (2005-05-04) ∼ “The telnet URI Scheme” by P. Hoffman
RFC4248 (2005-10) [PS] ← RFC1738 (1994-12) [PS] [Updated by RFC1808, RFC2368, RFC2396, RFC3986, RFC6196, RFC6270, RFC8089] ← draft-ietf-uri-url-07 (1994-09-08) ∼ “The telnet URI Scheme” by P. Hoffman

Simple Keyword Search of Internet-Drafts and RFCs (As of 2024-07-26 20:10:08 GMT)