Submitted to NAT Working Group C. Zaccone Y. T'Joens, B. Sales INTERNET DRAFT Alcatel October 15, 1999 Expires April 15, 2000 RSIP generic network architecture Status of this Memo This document is an Internet-Draft and is in full conformance with all provisions of Section 10 of RFC2026. Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups. Note that other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet- Drafts. Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress." The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at Abstract Currently, the RSIP architecture [RSIP-FRAM] concentrates all the functionalities of the system and associated databases into a single location, the edge router. This approach may introduce weaknesses and restrictions when multiple edge routers are available either towards a unique ISP, or towards multiple ISPs (multi-homing environment). This document introduces a generic architecture where functionalities are distributed and that is designed with the aim of increasing the robustness of the system while enabling to gain benefit of multihoming towards one or more ISPs. Zaccone, et al. Expires April 15, 2000 [Page 1] Internet Draft draft-zaccone-nat-rsip-gen-arch-00.txt October 15, 1999 Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Generic architecture 2.1. Edge Routers 2.2. Internet Session Manager (ISM) 2.3. Configuration Manager (CM) 2.4. Public DNS server (PUDS) 2.5. Private DNS server (PRDS) 2.6. Policy Manager (PM) 3. Functional options 3.1. Determination of the locality of destination 3.2. Transport configuration 4. Operations 4.1. Outbound session 4.2. Inbound session 5. References 1. Introduction The next figure depicts the RSIP architecture as described in [RSIP- FRAM]. This architecture builds upon the assumption where two different addressing realms are connected via a single router. In this architecture, all functions of authentication, authorization, configuration and the management of RSIP clients's Internet sessions are concentrated into a single point, the RSIP server. .--. .--. RSIP | | Inet | | client ---- RSIP host ---- / \ server / \ ------ +--+ ------ +---------------+| |+----------------+ +--+ Addressing Addressing realm A realm B RSIP architecture The architecture to be described in this document, is designed in a more generic way covering a broader set of topologies, including single and multiple connections to one or more ISPs (multi-homed environment). This generic architecture also proposes to decouple a set of functions from the RSIP server and assign them to other entities with the aim to have a more robust and extensible solution. Moreover, when multiple connection scenarios are taken into account, decoupling the functions enables the system to be more scalable and manageable. Zaccone, et al. Expires April 15, 2000 [Page 2] Internet Draft draft-zaccone-nat-rsip-gen-arch-00.txt October 15, 1999 2. Generic architecture The following figure gives an overview of the architecture. The architecture is composed of the following components: Private Externals realm realms Policy management entity(s) (PME) | +--------------------| | Edge | router i Internet session | 1, Mai 1999. [PRIV-ADDR-ALLOC] Rekhter Y., Moskowitz B., Karrenberg D., G. de Groot, and Lear E., "Address Allocation for Private Internets", RFC 1918. [TRANSP-FRAM] C. Zaccone, Y. T'Joens, B. Sales, "Framework for end-2-end native transport", Internet Draft , October 1999. [TRANSP-MECH] C. Zaccone, Y. T'Joens, B. Sales, "Mechanims for end-2-end native transport", Internet Draft , October 1999. Authors Addresses Carmelo Zaccone Alcatel Corporate Research Center Fr. Wellesplein 1, 2018 Antwerpen, Belgium. Phone : 32-3-240-8344 Fax : 32-3-240-9932 E-mail: Yves T'Joens Alcatel Corporate Research Center Fr. Wellesplein 1, 2018 Antwerpen, Belgium. Phone : 32-3-240-7890 Fax : 32-3-240-9932 E-mail: Zaccone, et al. Expires April 15, 2000 [Page 8] Internet Draft draft-zaccone-nat-rsip-gen-arch-00.txt October 15, 1999 Bernard Sales Alcatel Corporate Research Center Fr. Wellesplein 1, 2018 Antwerpen, Belgium. Phone : 32-3-240-9574 Fax : 32-3-240-9932 E-mail: Zaccone, et al. Expires April 15, 2000 [Page 9]