Network Working GroupZ. Uzmi
Internet-DraftA. Tariq
Intended status: InformationalLUMS
Expires: January 6, 2011P. Francis
 July 05, 2010

FIB Aggregation with SMALTA


Concerns about the growth of the global routing table has led to proposals for short-term FIB-reduction and long-term RIB-reduction solutions. The simplest type of FIB-reduction solution is "FIB aggregation", whereby individual routers locally reduce the FIB size without any changes to external operation. The draft [I‑D.zhang‑fibaggregation] (Zhang, B., Wang, L., Zhao, X., Liu, Y., and L. Zhang, “FIB Aggregation,” October 2009.) describes and analyzes several FIB aggregation schemes. This current draft describes and analyzes another point in the design space, called SMALTA. Compared to the approaches in [I‑D.zhang‑fibaggregation] (Zhang, B., Wang, L., Zhao, X., Liu, Y., and L. Zhang, “FIB Aggregation,” October 2009.), SMALTA provides better aggregation and does not introduce non-routable entries in the FIB, but is also more complex.

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This Internet-Draft will expire on January 6, 2011.

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Table of Contents

1.  Introduction
2.  Requirements notation
3.  Design of SMALTA
    3.1.  Example 1: Simple SMALTA One-Shot Aggregation
    3.2.  Example 2: SMALTA Update Algorithm for BGP WITHDRAW
    3.3.  Example 2: SMALTA Update Algorithm for BGP ANNOUNCE
4.  Analysis
    4.1.  SMALTA One Shot Aggregation
    4.2.  Update Processing in SMALTA
    4.3.  Updates and Aggregated Table Size
5.  IANA Considerations
6.  Security Considerations
7.  References
    7.1.  Normative References
    7.2.  Informative References
§  Authors' Addresses


1.  Introduction

FIB Aggregation is an approach to shrinking the size of a router's FIB without requiring any changes to the external behavior of the router. While FIB Aggregation per se is not a new idea, interest has recently increased alongside the growing concern over global routing table growth. FIB Aggregation represents a short-term but simple fix that can extend the lifetime of existing routers as well as reduce FIB size requirements for routers in the future. The draft [I‑D.zhang‑fibaggregation] (Zhang, B., Wang, L., Zhao, X., Liu, Y., and L. Zhang, “FIB Aggregation,” October 2009.) provides a very good overview of the problem space, and so is not repeated here. [I‑D.zhang‑fibaggregation] (Zhang, B., Wang, L., Zhao, X., Liu, Y., and L. Zhang, “FIB Aggregation,” October 2009.) also describes four FIB Aggregation algorithms, called Level 1 through Level 4, each adding complexity but providing better aggregation over its predecessor.

These 4 levels all have the characteristic that they require a complete crawl through the FIB to produce full aggregation. They can also be incrementally updated to respond to changes in routes, but these incremental updates don't maintain full aggregation. The third and fourth levels have the characteristic that they introduce non-routable space into the routing table. In other words, packets destined for prefixes that are not in the RIB, and would therefore otherwise be dropped, may nevertheless be forwarded towards the destination.

This draft introduces another FIB aggregation algorithm, SMALTA, that can be viewed as a 5th level in that it is yet more complex, and provides still better aggregation. Like the first four levels, SMALTA's incremental updates cause the FIB to deviate from its fully aggregated state and, therefore, also requires a periodic re-compute of the full FIB. Unlike the third and fourth levels, SMALTA introduces no non-routable space into the FIB. It is semantically identical to the non-aggregated FIB.

In a nutshell, what distinguishes SMALTA from the first four levels is the following. In the first four levels, aggregation is always done either by assigning a nexthop to an ancestor prefix, or by removing nexthop(s) of descendent prefix(es). In other words, if there is a prefix in the pre-aggregated tree, it will either remain unchanged or will be aggregated with a less specific prefix in the aggregated tree. SMALTA provides additional reduction in the FIB by allowing prefixes to be de-aggregated i.e. to be split into one or more specific prefixes.


2.  Requirements notation

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119] (Bradner, S., “Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels,” March 1997.).


3.  Design of SMALTA

SMALTA is composed of two algorithms: the one-shot aggregation and an incremental update algorithm. The implementations of these algorithms assume a binary tree structure, but is not limited to this and can be easily applied to other data structures. Furthermore, similar to the example set in [I‑D.zhang‑fibaggregation] (Zhang, B., Wang, L., Zhao, X., Liu, Y., and L. Zhang, “FIB Aggregation,” October 2009.), the one-shot aggregation and update algorithms in SMALTA do not introduce any new data structure in the RIB or the FIB, using the existing structures that stores these tables.

SMALTA one-shot aggregation algorithm takes the current snapshot of the RIB and produces an aggregated version of it. This aggregated table is downloaded to the FIB, as a monolithic download, during router startup or after a BGP hard reset. This algorithm can also be invoked at any time to improve the amount of aggregation, for example (i) at regular intervals to ensure that the number of entries in the forwarding table remains small, (ii) when the FIB size exceeds a threshold, or (iii) on-demand when there occurs a significant routing change such as addition or deletion of a physical interface, changes to the IGP metrics or a BGP session restart.

The update algorithm incrementally incorporates any subsequent BGP updates (withdraw or announce) into the aggregated table. Any resulting change in the aggregated table is then reflected in the FIB through an on-demand RIB to FIB download. The update algorithm is efficient for single updates, but slightly degrades the aggregated state of the table. The update algorithm is invoked whenever there is a change in the primary route of a prefix in the RIB. When that happens, SMALTA computes the necessary changes to the prefixes in the aggregated table. Note that some changes to the aggregated table result in no required changes to the FIB, and others may require multiple changes to the FIB. Section 4 (Analysis) gives results of measurements showing the average and worst-case number of FIB changes per BGP update.

In the following sections, we provide examples that give the basic idea of how the SMALTA algorithms work. Complete details are available in a technical report [TR.Uzmi‑SMALTA] (Uzmi, Z., Jawad, S., Tariq, A., and P. Francis, “Prefix Aggregation with SMALTA,” July 2010.)


3.1.  Example 1: Simple SMALTA One-Shot Aggregation

Figure 1A represents an original (non-aggregated) table with four prefixes, using the convention introduced in [I‑D.zhang‑fibaggregation] (Zhang, B., Wang, L., Zhao, X., Liu, Y., and L. Zhang, “FIB Aggregation,” October 2009.).

               (C)              (C)
              /                /
             /                /
            ()               (A)
           /  \             /
          /    \           /
         (B)   (A)        ()
        /                   \
       /                     \
      (A)                    (B)


        FIGURE 1A           FIGURE 1B

Note that none of the Level 1 through Level 4 algorithms can further aggregate this table. By contrast, SMALTA would aggregate this table as shown in figure 1B.

With SMALTA, the prefix with next hop B in the original table is de-aggregated in the aggregated table. This de-aggregation creates an opportunity for the prefixes with next hop A to be aggregated. The resulting aggregated table is semantically equivalent to the original table.

SMALTA's one-shot aggregation is derived from ORTC [Paper.Draves‑ORTC] (Draves, R. and J. Doe, “Optimal Routing Table Constructor,” July 1999.). Like its precursor, one-shot runs three passes over a tree data structure:

  1. A normalization pass in which the prefixes are expanded such that every node in the binary tree has two or no children,
  2. A post-order traversal up the tree, wherein each node is assigned a set of next hops, and
  3. A pass where the algorithm assigns next hops to prefix nodes in the tree starting from the root and traversing through to the leaves, removing any unnecessary leaves.
Unlike ORTC, SMALTA one-shot is not provably optimal, though it is very close to optimal. This is because SMALTA places some minor constraints on the ORTC algorithm in order to allow the aggregated table and the original non-aggregated table to be implemented as a single data structure.


3.2.  Example 2: SMALTA Update Algorithm for BGP WITHDRAW

To incorporate a withdraw for a prefix P1, the ownership of the IP space originally covered by P1 should be given up in favor of the next hop of its immediate ancestor prefix P in the original table. This is simply achieved by setting nexthop of P1 equal to that of P in the aggregated table. Next we restore all nearest descendent prefixes of P1 if their nexthop does not match the new nexthop of P1. Finally, we reclaim the space covered by the deaggregates of P1 by setting their nexthops equal to that of P.

Figure 2A shows the non-aggregated table before the withdraw, and indicates to which prefix the withdraw occurs. Figure 2B shows the non-aggregated table after the withdraw. Figure 2C shows the aggregated table that would result from applying the one-shot algorithm to the non-aggregated table of Figure 2A. Note that as a result of one-shot, there is in fact no nexthop in the entry to which the withdraw is being applied. Figure 2D shows the aggregated table after applying the update to the table of Figure 2C, using SMALTA update algorithm.

               (C)                   (C)
              /                     /
             /                     /
            ()                    ()
           /  \                  /  \
          /    \                /    \
         (B)   (A)             (B)   (A)
      (A) <--- Withdraw


      FIGURE 2A              FIGURE 2B

                         (C)                    (C)
                        /                      /
                       /                      /
                      (A)                    ()
                     /                      /  \
                    /                      /    \
                   ()                     ()    (A)
                  /  \                   /  \
                 /    \                 /    \
   Withdraw --> ()     (B)             (B)   (B)

                                     ON AGGREGATED TABLE

	FIGURE 2C                       FIGURE 2D


3.3.  Example 2: SMALTA Update Algorithm for BGP ANNOUNCE

In order to incorporate an announce for a prefix P1, the IP address space of P1 should be assigned the nexthop of P1 if that next hop does not match the next hop of P, the immediate ancestor of P1. Next, all nearest descendent prefixes of P1 that have a nexthop that differs from the announced nexthop are restored. Finally, the deaggregate prefixes of P that are specifics of P1 have their nexthops set to that of P1.

Figures 3A and 3C give the non-aggregated and aggregated tables respectively before the announce, and show to which prefix the announce takes place (corresponding to Figures 2A and 2C). Figure 3B shows the non-aggregated table after the BGP update, and Figure 3D shows the aggregated table after the SMALTA update algorithm is applied.

          (C)                          (C)
          /                            /
         /                            /
        ()                           ()
       /  \                         /  \
      /    \                       /    \
     (B)   (A)                    (B)   (A)
    /  \                         /  \
   /    \                       /    \
  (A)   ()  <-- ANNOUNCE Q     (A)   (Q)


  FIGURE 3A                    FIGURE 3B

           (C)                         (C)
          /                           /
         /                           /
        (A)                         (A)
       /                           /
      /                           /
     ()                          ()
       \                           \
        \                           \
        (B) <-- ANNOUNCE Q          (Q)


     FIGURE 3C                  FIGURE 3D


4.  Analysis


4.1.  SMALTA One Shot Aggregation

The extent of aggregation achieved by the SMALTA one-shot aggregation algorithm is given in Table 1. This table also lists the number of entries in the aggregated table, obtained after applying Level 1 and Level 2 aggregation from [I‑D.zhang‑fibaggregation] (Zhang, B., Wang, L., Zhao, X., Liu, Y., and L. Zhang, “FIB Aggregation,” October 2009.). Level 3 and Level 4 aggregation results are not provided because these levels create extra routable space and hence can not be fairly compared with the SMALTA one-shot aggregation algorithm which does not create any extra routable space. (The authors have also produced a version of SMALTA that does create extra routable space, and provides substantially more aggregation than the version here. This algorithm may be described in a future version.)

It can be seen from Table 1 that SMALTA one-shot algorithm consistently provides better aggregation as compared to that provided by Level 1 and Level 2 algorithms.

In Table 1:

#(OT) = Number of entries in the original table

#(AT one-shot) = Number of entries in aggregated table after applying SMALTA one-shot algorithm. (% of #(OT) is also shown)

#Level 1 Aggregation = Number of entries in FIB after applying Level 1 Aggregation [I‑D.zhang‑fibaggregation] (Zhang, B., Wang, L., Zhao, X., Liu, Y., and L. Zhang, “FIB Aggregation,” October 2009.).

#Level 2 Aggregation = Number of entries in FIB after applying Level 2 Aggregation [I‑D.zhang‑fibaggregation] (Zhang, B., Wang, L., Zhao, X., Liu, Y., and L. Zhang, “FIB Aggregation,” October 2009.).

   | Year  |#(OT)   | #(AT)    | #Level 1    | #Level 2     |
   |       |        |(one-shot)| Aggregation | Aggregation  |
   | 2004  | 160818 | 54340    | 103565      |  69572       |
   |	   |	    | (33.7%)  | (64.39%)    |  (43.2%)     |
   | 2005  | 176474 | 55801    | 109169      |  73169       |
   |	   |        | (31.6%)  | (61.86%)    |  (41.4%)     |
   | 2006  | 203082 | 75356    | 139763      |  96993       |
   |	   |	    | (37.1%)  | (68.8%)     |  (47.7%)     |
   | 2007  | 240162 | 83282    | 161147      |  110065      |
   |	   |	    | (34.6%)  | (67.0%)     |  (45.8%)     |
   | 2008  | 269532 | 84170    | 178676      |  117139      |
   |       |	    | (31.2%)  | (66.2%)     |  (43.4%)     |

TABLE 1: FIB Aggregation with SMALTA one-shot and comparison with
         Level 1 and Level 2 aggregation.


4.2.  Update Processing in SMALTA

A single BGP update may change the primary route for a single prefix. This may, in turn, change the next hop for multiple prefixes (or for no prefix) in the aggregated table. Table 2 shows the number of prefixes in the aggregated table whose next hop is modified (either changed or removed) as a result of a single change in the primary route of a prefix. These modified entries are then added or deleted from the aggregated FIB through RIB to FIB download. As indicated in Table 2, the average number of such modified entries remains small over various years.

It may be noted that when aggregation is not used, a change in the primary route of a prefix is translated to precisely one RIB to FIB download. Thus, on average, the number of RIB to FIB downloads in SMALTA are comparable to the number of RIB to FIB downloads when no aggregation is used.

The table also shows the maximum number of entries modified in the aggregated table as a result of a single change in primary route for a prefix. This worst case usually occurs when a BGP update arrives for very short prefixes (/8 in most cases). This is expected because shorter prefixes represent a larger IP address space, with the possibility that a larger number of more specific prefixes will fall within that space.

   | Year | No. of | Avg #entries | Max. #entries | Prefix for Max. |
   |      | updates| modified     | modified      | modified        |
   | 2004 | 86904  | 1.0494       | 300           |  /8             |
   | 2005 | 140920 | 1.0962       | 157           |  /8             |
   | 2006 | 121651 | 0.9660       | 499           |  /8             |
   | 2007 | 246634 | 1.3141       | 376           |  /11            |
   | 2008 | 240802 | 0.4031       | 64            |  /8             |

TABLE 2: Number of entries modified when directly incorporating updates
	 into aggregated table


4.3.  Updates and Aggregated Table Size

SMALTA one-shot aggregation is performed only infrequently. In between two episodes of one-shot aggregation, any BGP updates are incorporated using the SMALTA update algorithm. When incorporating the BGP updates incrementally, it is important to track how the size of the aggregated table changes. Ideally, we would want to keep the FIB in its fully aggregated state (what would have resulted from one-shot aggregation).

We used the routeviews tables from 2004 to 2008, one table from each year, and applied a corresponding update trace to the aggregated table using SMALTA update algorithm. The resulting number of entries (in the aggregated table), as a percentage of the number of un-aggregated entries, are shown in Table 3.

Table 3 also indicates the number of entries in the aggregated table if SMALTA one-shot algorithm is applied after incorporating the updates in the original un-aggregated table.

   | Year | No. of | #entries in aggregated | #entries in aggregated  |
   |      | updates| table (SMALTA update)  | table (SMALTA one-shot) |
   |      |        |  (% of unaggregated)   |  (% of unaggregated)    |
   | 2004 | 86904  | 35.50                  | 34.38                   |
   | 2005 | 140920 | 36.69                  | 33.08                   |
   | 2006 | 121651 | 45.51                  | 39.9                    |
   | 2007 | 246634 | 60.18                  | 40.25                   |
   | 2008 | 240802 | 32.99                  | 31.72                   |

TABLE 3: Number of Entries in the aggregated table after applying
	 updates using (i) SMALTA one-shot, and (ii) SMALTA update


5.  IANA Considerations

There are no IANA considerations.


6.  Security Considerations

Because SMALTA does not change the external behavior of a router, there are no security considerations.


7.  References


7.1. Normative References

[RFC2119] Bradner, S., “Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels,” BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997 (TXT, HTML, XML).


7.2. Informative References

[I-D.zhang-fibaggregation] Zhang, B., Wang, L., Zhao, X., Liu, Y., and L. Zhang, “FIB Aggregation,” draft-zhang-fibaggregation-02 (work in progress), October 2009 (TXT).
[Paper.Draves-ORTC] Draves, R. and J. Doe, “Optimal Routing Table Constructor,” INFOCOM 1999, July 1999.
[TR.Uzmi-SMALTA] Uzmi, Z., Jawad, S., Tariq, A., and P. Francis, “Prefix Aggregation with SMALTA,” Technical Report URL, July 2010.


Authors' Addresses

  Zartash Uzmi
  Lahore University of Management Sciences
  LUMS, D.H.A.
  Lahore 54792
Phone:  +92 42 35608202
  Ahsan Tariq
  Lahore University of Management Sciences
  LUMS, D.H.A.
  Lahore 54792
Phone:  +92 42 35608000
  Paul Francis
  Max Planck Institute for Software Systems
  Kaiserslautern 67633
Phone:  +49 631 930 39600