Internet-Draft JSON semantic format (JSON-NTV) August 2023
THOMY Expires 21 February 2024 [Page]
Internet Engineering Task Force
Intended Status:

JSON semantic format (JSON-NTV)


This document describes a set of simple rules for unambiguously and concisely encoding semantic data into JSON Data Interchange Format. These rules are based on an NTV (Named and Typed Values) data structure applicable to any simple or complex data. The JSON-NTV format is its JSON translation.

Status of This Memo

This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Note that other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts. The list of current Internet-Drafts is at

Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

This Internet-Draft will expire on 21 February 2024.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

1.1. Presentation

The semantic level of JSON or CSV shared data remains low. It is often limited to the type of data defined in those exchange formats (strings for CSV formats; numbers, strings, arrays and objects for JSON formats).

JSON-NTV proposes to increase the semantic level of the JSON entities [RFC8259] by adding two additional pieces of information to a JSON entity :

The NTV entity is thus a triplet with a mandatory element (value) and two additional elements (name, type).

The easiest way to add that information into a JSON value is to use a JSON object with a single member. The first term is the additional elements using the syntax JSON-ND [JSON-ND]. The second term is the JSON value.

With this approach, two NTV entities are defined :

as well as two JSON formats depending on the presence of the additional elements :

A JSON-NTV generator produces a JSON value from a NTV entity and vice versa a JSON-NTV parser transforms a JSON value into a NTV entity.

The conversion between NTV entity and native entity is outside the scope of this note.

1.2. Key design features

The format is focused on simplicity, lightness and web usage.

The key features of this format are the following:

1.3. Requirements Language

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.

This document also uses the following terms:

JsonType, JsonText, JsonName, JsonValue, JsonObject, JsonMember, JsonElement, JsonArray, JsonNumber, JsonString, JsonFalse, JsonNull, JsonTrue:
These terms are defined as type, text, name, value, object, member, element, array, number, string, false, null, true in the JSON grammar.
A JsonNumber, JsonString, JsonFalse, JsonTrue or JsonNull.
A JsonObject without a single member.
A JsonObject with a single member.
NTVsingle, NTVlist:

NTVlist and NTVsingle entities can be abbreviated as:

  • NVsingle : entity with default NTVtype "json",
  • NVlist : entity without NTVtype,
  • TVsingle, TVlist : entity without NTVname,
  • Vsingle, Vlist : NVsingle or NVlist without NTVname.

2. NTV structure

2.1. NTV layers

NTV and JsonNTV structures are defined as shown in Figure 1:

Layer 1 JsonText JsonNTV native entity NTV triplet JSON load JSON dump NTV load NTV dump to_obj from_obj
Figure 1: NTV layers


2.2. NTV entities

Two categories of entities (one primitive and one structured) are defined:

An NTV entity is therefore a tree where the leaves nodes are the NTVsingle entities and where the inner nodes are the NTVlist entities

2.2.1. NTVsingle

The data triplet of NTVsingle entities is composed by:

  • NTVsingleValue: This NTVvalue is the JSON representation (JsonValue) of the main content of the NTV entity,
  • NTVsingleType: This NTVtype defines the type of entity and the conversion rules between the native entity and the NTV entity. The default value is the "json" NTVtype.
  • NTVname: The NTVname is an additional textual information (JsonString)

In other words, any entity that has on the one hand a function of encoding it into a JsonValue and on the other hand a function of creating from a JsonValue can be taken into account. This approach is very general because the majority of computer objects are defined by a list of parameters (e.g. *args in python) and/or a list of key/values (e.g. **kwargs in python) which simply translate into a JsonArray or a JsonObject.

The consistency between NTVsingleValue and NTVsingleType is outside the scope of this note.

2.2.2. NTVlist

The data triplet of NTVlist entities is composed by:

  • NTVlistValue: This NTVvalue is an ordered sequence of included NTV entities.
  • NTVlistType: This NTVtype is a Namespace or a default NTVtype to apply to the NTV entities included. This NTVlistType avoids including a NTVtype (if default NTVtype) or reduces the length (if Namespace) in the JSON representation (JsonNTV) of the included NTV entities. The default value is "None".
  • NTVname: The NTVname is an additional textual information (JsonString)

Example of equivalent JSON representations:

  • where NTVlistType is None for the global NTVlist

    • [ { ":point" : [2.3522, 48.8566]}, {":point" : [4.8357, 45.7640]} ]
  • where NTVlistType is "point" for the global NTVlist

    • { "::point" : [ [2.3522, 48.8566], [4.8357, 45.7640] ] }

If JSON-value is { "::dat" : ["2022-01-28T18-23-54", {":point": [1.1, 2.2] ] } }, the parsers deduce that the first NTVvalue has a "dat" NTVtype and the second a "point" NTVtype.

2.3. NTVtype and Namespace

NTVtype is defined in a nested structure called Namespace:

This structuring of type makes it possible to reference any type of data that has a JSON representation and to consolidate all the shared data structures within the same tree of types.

2.3.1. Namespace

A Namespace is included in a Namespace parent (NamespaceParent) and may contain Namespace childs.

A Namespace is represented by a string followed by a point (NamespaceName). The global Namespace (root node in the Namespace tree) is represented by an empty string and its NamespaceParent is None.

2.3.2. NTVtype

A NTVtype is defined by a name (NTVtypeName) and a Namespace parent (NamespaceParent). The NTVtype is unique in the Namespace parent.

NTVtype and the rules to encode or decode NTVvalues MUST be understood by data producers and data consumers. So NTVtype and rules associated have to be defined in a specification shared by a large community. On the other hand, it must be possible for everyone to share data according to their own data structure.

There are therefore two categories of NTVtype:

  • custom NTVtype (and Namespace) which can be created by anyone without control,
  • shared NTVtype (and Namespace) that are defined in a single, shared repository.

The corresponding rules are as follows:

  • NTVtype (or Namespace) whose name begins with '$' is of type 'custom'
  • NTVtype (or Namespace) included in a Namespace of type 'custom' is also of type 'custom'
  • Each 'shared' Namespace or NTVtype is uniquely managed.


  • If "fr." is a Namespace attached to the global Namespace and containing the Namespace 'BAN.' and the NTVtype 'dep', then:

    • "fr.dep" is a shared NTVtype,
    • "fr.$test" is a custom NTVtype,
    • "fr.$" is a custom NTVtype
    • "fr.BAN.$test" is a custom NTVtype

Three categories of NTVtype are defined (None, Simple, Generic).

  • The "None" NTVtype is used with NTVlist to indicate the absence of a default Type.
  • Simple NTVtype is associated to conversion rules between a native entity and a NTV entity.
  • Generic NTVtype is equivalent to a set of Simple NTVtype. This indicates that parsers use an associated simple NTVtype to decode the JsonNTVvalue.


  • "dat" is the generic NTVtype for "datetime" and "timeposix"
  • If a JSONvalue is { "::dat" : ["2022-01-28T18-23-54", 123456.78] }, the parser deduces that the first entity has a "datetime" NTVtype and the second a "timeposix" NTVtype.

3. JsonNTV

3.1. JsonNTV format

The JsonNTV format is the JsonValue representation of an NTV entity as defined in Figure 2, which uses ABNF from [RFC5234].

; JSON representation of NTV entities (JsonNTV)

JsonNTV        = JsonNTVnamed / JsonNTVsimple

JsonNTVnamed   = beginObject JsonNTVMember endObject
JsonNTVsimple  = JsonNTVvalue

JsonNTVMember  = JsonNTVname nSep JsonNTVvalue

; Extract of JSON grammar used in this document

beginArray    = ws "[" ws
beginObject   = ws "{" ws
endArray      = ws "]" ws
endObject     = ws "}" ws
nSep          = ws ":" ws
vSep          = ws "," ws
ws = *( %x20 / %x09 / %x0A / %x0D )

JsonValue  = JsonValue    ; indicates that rule is defined in RFC8259
JsonString = JsonString   ; indicates that rule is defined in RFC8259

Figure 2: JsonNTV - ABNF

The JsonNTV format is built with the NTVname, NTVvalue and the JsonNTVtype.

Two JsonNTV formats are defined:

This format allows full compatibility with existing JSON structures:

Note :

3.2. JsonNTVname

JsonNTVname is the concatenation of NTVname and JsonType.

If the JsonNTVname contains one colon, the entity is a NTV-single.

If the JsonNTVname contains two adjacent colons, the entity is an NTV-list.

JsonNTVname is defined in Figure 3, which uses ABNF from [RFC5234].

; JSON representation of NTVname and NTVtype (JsonNTVname)

JsonNTVname    = NTVname / (NTVname JsonSepType) / JsonSepType
JsonSepType    = [singleSep [JsonNTVtype]] / [listSep [JsonNTVtype]]

NTVname = JsonString

singleSep   = ":"      ; NTVsingle separator
listSep     = "::"     ; NTVlist separator

Figure 3: JsonNTVname - ABNF

The JsonSepType is composed with the separator singleSep or listSep and the JsonNTVtype.

3.3. JsonNTVtype

The JSON representation of a NTVtype (JsonNTVtype) is composed by all the nested NamespaceName and the NTVtypeName.

The JsonNTVtype is defined in Figure 4, which uses ABNF from [RFC5234].

; JSON representation of NtvType (JsonNTVtype)

JsonNTVtype     = JsonNamespaceParent NTVtypeName

JsonNamespace   = JsonNamespaceParent NamespaceName
JsonNamespaceParent = JsonNamespace

NamespaceName   = [ ["$"] JsonString "." ]
NTVtypeName     = ["$"] JsonString

Figure 4: JsonNTVtype - ABNF

Example for an absolute representation of an NTVtype defined in two nested Namespace in the global Namespace:

3.4. JsonNTVvalue

The JsonNTVvalue is the JsonValue representation of NTVvalue as defined in Figure 5, which uses ABNF from [RFC5234].

; JSON representation of NTVvalue

JsonNTVvalue       = JsonNTVsingleValue / JsonNTVlistValue

JsonNTVsingleValue = NTVsingleValue
JsonNTVlistValue   = JsonNTVArrayValue / JsonNTVObjectValue

JsonNTVArrayValue  = beginArray ListJsonNTVvalue endArray
ListJsonNTVvalue   = [JsonNTV  *( vSep JsonNTV )]
JsonNTVObjectValue = beginObject ListJsonNTVmember endObject
ListJsonNTVmember  = [JsonNTVMember *( vSep JsonNTVMember)]

NTVsingleValue     = JsonValue

Figure 5: JsonNTVvalue - ABNF

For a NTVsingle, JsonNTVvalue is the NTVvalue.

For a NTVlist, JsonNTValue has two representations:


4. Examples

Examples of JsonNTV representation of NTV entities:

Vsingle :

NVsingle :



Vlist (composed with JsonArray):

Vlist (composed with JsonObject) :

NVlist :

TVlist :

NTVlist :

NTVlist and NVlist (composed with JsonObject) :

5. Parsing a JsonValue

A first decoding step identifies the following objects:

The tables below present the rules for identifying an NTV entity.

Table 1: Decoding JsonValue
JsonValue NTV entity
JsonPrimitive Vsingle
JsonUnnamed Vlist
JsonArray Vlist
JsonNamed see Table 2
Table 2: Decoding JsonNTVvalue
Separator JsonNTVvalue NTV entity
None JsonPrimitive NVsingle
None JsonNamed NVsingle
None JsonUnnamed NVlist
None JsonArray NVlist
":" JsonValue TVsingle or NTVSingle
"::" JsonUnnamed NVlist or TVlist or NTVlist
"::" JsonArray NVlist or TVlist or NTVlist

The NTVvalue of NTVsingle is the JsonNTVvalue.

The NTVvalue of NTVlist is build by decoding data included in JsonNTVvalue.

For NTV entities not included in a NTVlist, the NTVtype is built with:

For NTV entities included in a NTVlist, the NTVtype is built with :

If the resulting NTVtype is inconsistent, the NTVtype is set to None.

The [JSON-NTV] repository gives some examples of NTV usage.

6. NTV extended structure

The NTVvalue of NTV entities are JsonValue. In the NTV extended structure, NTVvalue can be every kind of data.

With this structure, the NTV representation is a "json like" data where:

Examples of NTV extended representation:

7. IANA Considerations

Any JsonValue is a JsonNTVValue and conversely, any JsonNTVvalue is a JsonValue.

Thus, any JSON data may or may not be treated as JsonNTV data, so there is no need to create a specific MIME media type for JsonNTV.

All properties of the MIME media type "application/json" are applicable.

8. Security Considerations

The format used for NTV data exchanges is the JSON format. So, all the security considerations of [RFC8259] apply.

The NTV structure provides no cryptographic integrity protection of any kind.

9. References

9.1. Normative References

Butler, H., Daly, M., Doyle, A., Gillies, S., Hagen, S., and T. Schaub, "The GeoJSON Format", RFC 7946, DOI 10.17487/RFC7946, , <>.
Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, , <>.
Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC 2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174, , <>.
Crocker, D., Ed. and P. Overell, "Augmented BNF for Syntax Specifications: ABNF", STD 68, RFC 5234, DOI 10.17487/RFC5234, , <>.
Bray, T., Ed., "The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Data Interchange Format", STD 90, RFC 8259, DOI 10.17487/RFC8259, , <>.
Klyne, G. and C. Newman, "Date and Time on the Internet: Timestamps", RFC 3339, DOI 10.17487/RFC3339, , <>.

9.2. Informative References

Kleidon, G., "JSON-ND", , <>.
Thomy, P., "JSON-NTV", , <>.
"Google", "Open Location Code", , <>.
"W3C", "Recommendation : Model for Tabular Data and Metadata on the Web", 17 December 2015, <>.
"ISO", "Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions - Part 1: Country code", , <>.

Appendix A. Appendix 1 - Global NTVtype and Namespace

The structure of NTVtype by Namespace makes it possible to have NTVtype or Namespace corresponding to recognized standards at the global level.

A standard NTVtype / Namespace is a NTVtype / Namespace defined in the Global Namespace.

The standard NTVtype and Namespace are listed below.

A.1. Json

Json NTVtype have a generic NTVtype : "json"

Table 3: Json NTVtype
NTVtypeName (generic) NTVvalue example NTVvalue
json generic NTVtype
number (json) JsonNumber [RFC8259] 10
boolean (json) JsonBoolean [RFC8259] "true"
null (json) JsonNull [RFC8259] "null"
string (json) JsonString [RFC8259] "value"
array (json) JsonArray [RFC8259] [1.1, 2.2]
object (json) JsonObject [RFC8259] {"value1": 1, "value2": 2}

A.2. Numbers

Table 4: Numbers NTVtype
NTVtypeName NTVvalue comment
int JsonNumber [RFC8259] integer
int8, int16, int32, int64 JsonNumber [RFC8259] signed integer
uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64 JsonNumber [RFC8259] unsigned integer
float JsonNumber [RFC8259] floating point real
float16, float32, float64 JsonNumber [RFC8259] floating point real

A.3. Datation

Datation NTVtype have a generic NTVtype : "dat"

Table 5: Datation NTVtype
NTVtypeName (generic) NTVvalue example NTVvalue
year fullyear [RFC3339] 1998
month month [RFC3339] 10
day mday [RFC3339] day of month 21
wday wday [RFC3339] day of week 7
yday yday [RFC3339] day of year 360
week week [RFC3339] 38
hour hour [RFC3339] 20
minute minute [RFC3339] 18
second second [RFC3339] 54
dat generic NTVtype
date (dat) date [RFC3339] "2022-01-28""
time (dat) timespec-base [time-fraction][RFC3339] "T18:23:54", "18:23", "T18"
timetz (dat) timespec-base [time-fraction] time-zone[RFC3339] "T18:23:54+0400"
datetime (dat) iso-date-time (without time-zone)[RFC3339] "2022-01-28T18-23-54"
datetimetz (dat) iso-date-time (with time-zone)[RFC3339] "2022-01-28T18-23-54+0400"

A.4. Period and Duration

Table 6: Period and Duration NTVtype
NTVtypeName NTVvalue example NTVvalue
duration duration [RFC3339] "P3Y6M4DT12H30M5S"
timearray JsonArray

[dat1, dat2]

dat1, dat2 have "dat" NTVtypeName

period period [RFC3339]

"2022-01-01 / 2022-01-30"

"2022-01-01 / P3Y6M4DT12H30M5S"

A.5. Location

Location NTVtype have a generic NTVtype : "loc".

The CRS (Coordinate Reference Systems) is geographic, using the World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS 84) datum, with longitude and latitude units of decimal degrees (EPSG:4326).

Table 7: Location NTVtype
NTVtypeName (generic) NTVvalue example NTVvalue
loc generic NTVtype
point (loc) Point coordinates [RFC7946] [ 5.12, 45.256 ] (lon, lat)
line (loc) LineString coordinates [RFC7946]

[pt1, pt2, pt3]

ptx has "point" NTVtypeName

polygon (loc) Polygon coordinates [RFC7946]

[rg1, rg2, rg3]

rgx has "line" NTVtypeName

multipolygon (loc) MultiPolygon coordinates [RFC7946]

[pl1, pl2, pl3]

plx has "polygon" NTVtypeName

bbox (loc) Bbox coordinates [RFC7946] [ -10.0, -10.0, 10.0, 10.0 ]
geojson geoJSON object [RFC7946] {"type": "point", "coordinates": [40.0, 0.0]}
codeolc Open Location Code [OLC] "8FW4V75V+8F6"

A.6. Structured data

Table 8: Structured NTVtype
NTVtypeName NTVvalue
row row [W3C_TAB]
field column [W3C_TAB]
tab table [W3C_TAB]
ntv JsonNTV

The data structure associated to this NTVtypeName are defined in specific document.

A.7. Normalized String

Table 9: Structured NTVtype
NTVtypeName NTVvalue example NTVvalue
uri URI (RFC3986)



"geo:13.4125,103.86673" (RFC5870)"




email adress (RFC5322) "John Doe <jdoe@machine.example>"
file file-hier-part (RFC8089)



Keywords are not defined as Normalized String (eg. "id", "mandatory", "units"), they can be used as custom NTVtype (eg. "$id", "$mandatory", "$units")

A.8. Namespace

The global Namespace includes Namespaces for countries, dependent territories and special areas as defined in [ISO_3166-1_alpha-2]

The JsonNamespace for those Namespace is composed by the two digits of the country following by a dot.

Example :

Each Namespace defines a list of included NTVtype and Namespace.

A.9. Custom NTVtype and Namespace

Custom NTVtype and Namespace can be created in any Namespace.

Table 10 below presents some examples of custom NTVtype.

Table 10: Examples of custom NTVtype
JsonNTVtype comment or JsonNTV example

defined in the global Namespace

eg. { ":$id": 5426849" }


IATA airport code

eg. {"Paris Nord:$iata": "CDG"}


UIC station code

eg. {"Nantes station:$uic.station" : "8748100"}


NTVtype "city" in "fr." Namespace

eg. {":fr.$city" : "Paris"}


"schemaorg" catalog

eg. { ":$schemaorg.propertyID": "NO2" }

{ ":$schemaorg.unitText": "mg/m3"}


"darwincore" catalog

eg. { ":$darwincore.acceptedNameUsage": "Tamias minimus" }

Appendix B. Appendix 2 - Complete ABNF notation

; JSON representation of NTV entities (JsonNTV)

JsonNTV        = JsonNTVnamed / JsonNTVsimple

JsonNTVnamed   = beginObject JsonNTVMember endObject
JsonNTVsimple  = JsonNTVvalue

JsonNTVMember  = JsonNTVname nSep JsonNTVvalue

; Extract of JSON grammar used in this document

beginArray    = ws "[" ws
beginObject   = ws "{" ws
endArray      = ws "]" ws
endObject     = ws "}" ws
nSep          = ws ":" ws
vSep          = ws "," ws
ws = *( %x20 / %x09 / %x0A / %x0D )

JsonValue  = JsonValue    ; indicates that rule is defined in RFC8259
JsonString = JsonString   ; indicates that rule is defined in RFC8259

; JSON representation of NTVname and NTVtype (JsonNTVname)

JsonNTVname    = NTVname / (NTVname JsonSepType) / JsonSepType
JsonSepType    = [singleSep [JsonNTVtype]] / [listSep [JsonNTVtype]]

NTVname = JsonString

singleSep   = ":"      ; NTVsingle separator
listSep     = "::"     ; NTVlist separator

; JSON representation of NtvType (JsonNTVtype)

JsonNTVtype     = JsonNamespaceParent NTVtypeName

JsonNamespace   = JsonNamespaceParent NamespaceName
JsonNamespaceParent = JsonNamespace

NamespaceName   = [ ["$"] JsonString "." ]
NTVtypeName     = ["$"] JsonString

; JSON representation of NTVvalue

JsonNTVvalue       = JsonNTVsingleValue / JsonNTVlistValue

JsonNTVsingleValue = NTVsingleValue
JsonNTVlistValue   = JsonNTVArrayValue / JsonNTVObjectValue

JsonNTVArrayValue  = beginArray ListJsonNTVvalue endArray
ListJsonNTVvalue   = [JsonNTV  *( vSep JsonNTV )]
JsonNTVObjectValue = beginObject ListJsonNTVmember endObject
ListJsonNTVmember  = [JsonNTVMember *( vSep JsonNTVMember)]

NTVsingleValue     = JsonValue

Figure 6: Collected ABNF grammar




Thanks to all of the contributors.

Author's Address

Philippe THOMY
476 chemin du gaf de Famian
84 500 BOLLENE