Network Working Group A. Mayrhofer
Intended status: Informational October 23, 2014
Expires: April 26, 2015

EPP Service Messages Extension


EPP contains a mechanism to convey service messages to clients via the "poll" query command. This document specifies an extension defining a simple structured format for including additional information in service messages.

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This Internet-Draft will expire on April 26, 2015.

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Table of Contents

1. Introduction

The Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP) [RFC5730] specifies a queue-based mechanism to convey service messages to clients. Clients can discover, retrieve and acknowledge such service messages via the "poll" query command. This mechanism is widely used in deployments of EPP servers.

The contents of service messages is extensible. While EPP Object Mappings define object-specific messages for some specific situations (For example, see Section 3.3 of [RFC5732]), there is no generic structure defined for the many other situations in which domain name registries require conveying additional information. Such situations include:

As outlined above, information to be sent in such "additional" service messages is typically (although not always) structured. For interopability reasons, while it is highly desireable to keep a certain level of structure when conveying this information to clients, a proliferation of custom extensions for each and every situation should be avoided.

This document specifies such a structure as an extension to the "resData" element of EPP service messages. The specification follows the guidelines contained in [RFC3735].

2. Terminology

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].

3. EPP Command Mapping

3.1. EPP Query Commands

3.1.1. EPP <poll> Command

This extension adds elements to the response to a <poll> command with the "op" attribute set to "req". Specifically, a "message" element is added to the "resData" section of the service message, containing the following elements/attributes:

This extension does not add any elements to the <poll> command nor to the response of the <poll> command with the "op" attribute set to "ack".

3.1.2. Other Query Commands

This extension does not add any elements to the <check>, <info> and <transfer> query commands.

3.2. EPP Transform Commands

This extension does not add any elements to any of the EPP transform commands (<create>, <delete>, <renew>, <transfer>, <update>).

3.3. Examples

The following example informs a client that an inbound transfer was approved, and two subordinate host objects were automatically transferred together with the domain name:

  <epp xsi:schemaLocation="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0 epp-1.0.xsd">
    <result code="1301">
      <msg lang="en-US">Command completed successfully; ack to dequeue</msg>
    <msgQ count="1" id="137526">
      <msg lang="en-US">Transfer Approved.</msg>
      <domain:trnData xsi:schemaLocation="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:domain-1.0 domain-1.0.xsd">
      <message xmlns=""  
        <desc>Inbound transfer of test.example was APPROVED.
        Subordinate hosts ns1.test.example, ns2.test.example were also
          <entry name="host">ns1.test.example</entry>
          <entry name="host">ns2.test.example</entry>

In this example, the extension is used to inform a client that some domain names have expired recently:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0" xmlns:xsi="">
    <result code="1301">
      <msg>Command completed successfully; ack to dequeue</msg>
    <msgQ count="1" id="2267">
      <msg>The following domains have expired as of 2016-02-25: 
	  test-expire1.example, test-expire2.example</msg>
      <message xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" type="HasExpired">
        <desc>The following domains have expired as of 2016-02-25: 
		test-expire1.example, test-expire2.example</desc>
          <entry name="date">2016-02-25</entry>
          <entry name="domain">test-expire1.example</entry>
          <entry name="domain">test-expire2.example</entry>

An interesting use case of this extension is when (for whatever reason) the connection between an EPP server and an EPP client fails while a request is being processed. Subsequently, the server cannot provide the client with the response frame. The following example illustrates how the response frame can be submitted to the client using this extension:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0" xmlns:xsi="">
    <result code="1301">
      <msg>Command completed successfully; ack to dequeue</msg>
    <msgQ count="88" id="1816">
      <msg>EPP response to command with client-id [05908A94-592F-11E4-ABEA-51CFAB10F032]
	  and server-id [20141021143201978589AD-secondary-tldbox]</msg>
      <message xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" type="ResponseRecovery">
        <desc>EPP response to command with client-id [05908A94-592F-11E4-ABEA-51CFAB10F032]
		and server-id [20141021143201978589AD-secondary-tldbox]</desc>
          <epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0" xmlns:xsi="">
              <result code="1000">
                <msg>Command completed successfully</msg>
              <msgQ count="8" id="1975"/>
                <domain:creData xmlns:domain="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:domain-1.0" xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:domain-1.0">

Note that, in the example above, the EPP response frame is included as a child element of the "data" element directly, using the "any" element of the Schema. This is for legacy reasons of the current implementation, since the Schema described also allows an explicit "response" element that should be preferred for including EPP response frames.

The example might be updated as the implementation is adapted.

The following example informs a client that - for reasons that are outside of the scope of this document - status values on one of the domain names under his sponsorship have been set:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0" xmlns:xsi="">
    <result code="1301">
      <msg>Command completed successfully; ack to dequeue</msg>
    <msgQ count="1" id="16031">
      <msg>Status(es) added to domain [test---0039888rbx-vvgobook5xl4.tldbox]: serverUpdateProhibited (testcase comment freeze (2014-12-28T13:48:22.097813Z)), serverTransferProhibited (testcase comment freeze (2014-12-28T13:48:22.097813Z))</msg>
      <message xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" type="DelegationStatusSet">
        <desc>Status(es) added to domain [test-freeze.example]: serverUpdateProhibited (testcase comment freeze (2014-12-28T13:48:22.097813Z)), serverTransferProhibited (testcase comment freeze (2014-12-28T13:48:22.097813Z))</desc>
          <entry name="domain">test-freeze.example</entry>
          <entry name="status">serverUpdateProhibited</entry>
          <entry name="comment">testcase comment freeze (2014-12-28T13:48:22.097813Z)</entry>
          <entry name="status">serverTransferProhibited</entry>
          <entry name="comment">testcase comment freeze (2014-12-28T13:48:22.097813Z)</entry>

3.4. Formal Syntax

The XML Schema of the extension is as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

   <schema targetNamespace=""

    <!--  Import common element types.  -->

    <import namespace="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0"

        Extensible Provisioning Protocol v1.0 Service Message extension

    <!-- service message -->

    <element name="message" type="tld:messageType"/>

    <complexType name="messageType">
        <element name="desc" type="string"/>
        <element name="reftrID" type="tld:reftrIDType"
        <element name="data" type="tld:messageDataType"
      <attribute name="type" type="tld:messageTypeType"

    <complexType name="frameType">
        <any namespace="##other"/>

    <complexType name="messageDataType">
        <element name="entry" type="tld:attributeType"
         maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/>
        <element name="request" type="tld:frameType" minOccurs="0"/>
        <element name="response" type="tld:frameType" minOccurs="0"/>
        <any namespace="##other" minOccurs="0"/>

    <simpleType name="messageTypeType">
      <restriction base="token">
        <maxLength value="100"/>

    <complexType name="reftrIDType">
        <element name="clTRID" type="epp:trIDStringType"
        <element name="svTRID" type="epp:trIDStringType"/>

    <!-- attributes -->

    <complexType name="attributeType">
         <extension base="string">
           <attribute name="name" type="token"


4. Security Considerations

This extension allows for inclusion of arbitrary EPP frames in service messages. Since EPP frames can include sensitive information, implementations MUST carefully consider risks related to the use of that mechanism, especially whenever EPP frames from other clients are involved. For example, a "login" frame typically contains authentication credentials, and hence MUST NOT be exposed to a third party client.

5. IANA Considerations

IANA is requested to register the specified extension with the "Extensions for the Extensible Provisioning Protocol Registry" ([draft-ietf-eppext-reg-09.txt]). The required registration information is contained below:

   -----BEGIN FORM-----
   Name of Extension:
   "EPP Service Messages Extension"

   Document Status:


   Registrant Name and Email Address:
   Alexander Mayrhofer,

   TLDs: .at, .berlin, .brussels, .hamburg, .reise, .tirol, 
         .versicherung, .vlaanderen, .voting, .wien 

   IPR Disclosure: None

   Status: Active

   Notes: The .at TLD currently uses the schema under a different 
          namespace identifier
   -----END FORM-----

6. Acknowledgements

The extension was specified and implemented by Achim Adam, Bernhard Reutner-Fischer, Marcel Gruenauer and Mark Hofstetter. Achim Adam also performed reviews, suggested text, and provided the examples contained in this document.

7. References

7.1. Normative References

[RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.
[RFC5730] Hollenbeck, S., "Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP)", STD 69, RFC 5730, August 2009.

7.2. Informative References

[RFC3735] Hollenbeck, S., "Guidelines for Extending the Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP)", RFC 3735, March 2004.
[RFC5732] Hollenbeck, S., "Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP) Host Mapping", STD 69, RFC 5732, August 2009.

Author's Address

A. Mayrhofer GmbH Jakob-Haringer-Strasse 8 Salzburg, 5020 AT EMail: