Network Working Group T. Nadeau
Internet-Draft Juniper Networks
Intended status: Standards Track Z. Ali
Expires: May 15, 2014 N. Akiya
Cisco Systems
November 11, 2013

BFD Management Information Base


This draft defines a portion of the Management Information Base (MIB) for use with network management protocols in the Internet community. In particular, it describes managed objects for modeling Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) protocol.

Requirements Language

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14, RFC 2119 [RFC2119].

Status of This Memo

This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Note that other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts. The list of current Internet-Drafts is at

Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

This Internet-Draft will expire on May 15, 2014.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (c) 2013 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the document authors. All rights reserved.

This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents ( in effect on the date of publication of this document. Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect to this document. Code Components extracted from this document must include Simplified BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as described in the Simplified BSD License.

Table of Contents

1. The Internet-Standard Management Framework

For a detailed overview of the documents that describe the current Internet-Standard Management Framework, please refer to section 7 of RFC 3410 [RFC3410].

Managed objects are accessed via a virtual information store, termed the Management Information Base or MIB. MIB objects are generally accessed through the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). Objects in the MIB are defined using the mechanisms defined in the Structure of Management Information (SMI). This memo specifies a MIB module that is compliant to the SMIv2, which is described in STD 58, RFC 2578 [RFC2578], STD 58, RFC 2579 [RFC2579] and STD 58, RFC 2580 [RFC2580].

2. Introduction

This memo defines an portion of the Management Information Base (MIB) for use with network management protocols in the Internet community. In particular, it describes managed objects to configure and/or monitor Bi-Directional Forwarding Detection for [RFC5880], [RFC5881] and [RFC5883], BFD versions 0 and/or 1, on devices supporting this feature.

Comments should be made directly to the BFD mailing list at

3. Terminology

This document adopts the definitions, acronyms and mechanisms described in [RFC5880], [RFC5881] and [RFC5883]. Unless otherwise stated, the mechanisms described therein will not be re-described here.

4. Brief Description of MIB Objects

This section describes objects pertaining to BFD. The MIB objects are derived from [RFC5880], [RFC5881] and [RFC5883], and also include textual conventions defined in [I-D.ietf-bfd-tc-mib].

4.1. General Variables

The General Variables are used to identify parameters that are global to the BFD process.

4.2. Session Table (bfdSessionTable)

The session table is used to identify a BFD session between a pair of nodes.

4.3. Session Performance Table (bfdSessionPerfTable)

The session performance table is used for collecting BFD performance counters on a per session basis. This table is an AUGMENT to the bfdSessionTable.

4.4. BFD Session Discriminator Mapping Table (bfdSessDiscMapTable)

The BFD Session Discriminator Mapping Table maps a local discriminator value to associated BFD session's BfdSessIndexTC used in the bfdSessionTable.

4.5. BFD Session IP Mapping Table (bfdSessIpMapTable)

The BFD Session IP Mapping Table maps, given bfdSessInterface, bfdSessSrcAddrType, bfdSessSrcAddr, bfdSessDstAddrType, and bfdSessDstAddr, to an associated BFD session's BfdSessIndexTC used in the bfdSessionTable. This table SHOULD contains those BFD sessions that are of IP type.

5. BFD MIB Module Definitions

This MIB module makes references to the following documents. [RFC2579], [RFC2580], [RFC2863], [RFC4001], and [RFC3413].


         mib-2, Integer32, Unsigned32, Counter32, Counter64
         FROM SNMPv2-SMI

     TruthValue, RowStatus, StorageType, TimeStamp
         FROM SNMPv2-TC

         FROM SNMPv2-CONF

         FROM IF-MIB

     InetAddress, InetAddressType, InetPortNumber

     BfdSessIndexTC, BfdIntervalTC, BfdMultiplierTC, BfdDiagTC,
     BfdSessTypeTC, BfdSessOperModeTC, BfdCtrlDestPortNumberTC,
     BfdCtrlSourcePortNumberTC, BfdSessStateTC,
     BfdSessAuthenticationTypeTC, BfdSessionAuthenticationKeyTC

     LAST-UPDATED "201311111200Z" -- 11 Nov. 2013 12:00:00 EST
     ORGANIZATION "IETF Bidirectional Forwarding Detection
                   Working Group"
         "Thomas D. Nadeau
          Juniper Networks

          Zafar Ali
          Cisco Systems, Inc.

          Nobo Akiya
          Cisco Systems, Inc.
         "Bidirectional Forwarding Management Information Base."
     REVISION "201311111200Z" -- 11 Nov. 2013 12:00:00 EST
         "Initial version. Published as RFC xxxx."
-- RFC Ed.: RFC-editor pls fill in xxxx
     ::= { mib-2 XXX }
-- RFC Ed.: assigned by IANA, see section 7.1 for details

-- Top level components of this MIB module.

 bfdNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bfdMIB 0 }

 bfdObjects       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bfdMIB 1 }

 bfdConformance   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bfdMIB 2 }

 bfdScalarObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bfdObjects 1 }

-- BFD General Variables

-- These parameters apply globally to the Systems'
-- BFD Process.

 bfdAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
     MAX-ACCESS read-write
     STATUS     current
         "The global administrative status of BFD in this device.
          The value 'enabled' denotes that the BFD Process is
          active on at least one interface; 'disabled' disables
          it on all interfaces."
     DEFVAL { enabled }
     ::= { bfdScalarObjects 1 }

 bfdSessNotificationsEnable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     TruthValue
     MAX-ACCESS read-write
     STATUS     current
         "If this object is set to true(1), then it enables
          the emission of bfdSessUp and bfdSessDown
          notifications; otherwise these notifications are not
         "See also RFC3413 for explanation that
          notifications are under the ultimate control of the
          MIB modules in this document."
     DEFVAL { false }
     ::= { bfdScalarObjects 2 }

-- BFD Session Table
-- The BFD Session Table specifies BFD session specific
-- information.

 bfdSessTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF BfdSessEntry
     MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
     STATUS     current
         "The BFD Session Table describes the BFD sessions."
         "Katz, D. and D. Ward, Bidirectional Forwarding
           Detection (BFD), RFC 5880, June 2012."
     ::= { bfdObjects 2 }

 bfdSessEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     BfdSessEntry
     MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
     STATUS     current
         "The BFD Session Entry describes BFD session."
     INDEX { bfdSessIndex }
     ::= { bfdSessTable 1 }

 BfdSessEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
     bfdSessIndex                    BfdSessIndexTC,
     bfdSessVersionNumber            Unsigned32,
     bfdSessType                     BfdSessTypeTC,
     bfdSessDiscriminator            Unsigned32,
     bfdSessRemoteDiscr              Unsigned32,
     bfdSessDestinationUdpPort       BfdCtrlDestPortNumberTC,
     bfdSessSourceUdpPort            BfdCtrlSourcePortNumberTC,
     bfdSessEchoSourceUdpPort        InetPortNumber,
     bfdSessAdminStatus              INTEGER,
     bfdSessState                    BfdSessStateTC,
     bfdSessRemoteHeardFlag          TruthValue,
     bfdSessDiag                     BfdDiagTC,
     bfdSessOperMode                 BfdSessOperModeTC,
     bfdSessDemandModeDesiredFlag    TruthValue,
     bfdSessControlPlaneIndepFlag    TruthValue,
     bfdSessMultipointFlag           TruthValue,
     bfdSessInterface                InterfaceIndexOrZero,
     bfdSessSrcAddrType              InetAddressType,
     bfdSessSrcAddr                  InetAddress,
     bfdSessDstAddrType              InetAddressType,
     bfdSessDstAddr                  InetAddress,
     bfdSessGTSM                     TruthValue,
     bfdSessGTSMTTL                  Unsigned32,
     bfdSessDesiredMinTxInterval     BfdIntervalTC,
     bfdSessReqMinRxInterval         BfdIntervalTC,
     bfdSessReqMinEchoRxInterval     BfdIntervalTC,
     bfdSessDetectMult               BfdMultiplierTC,
     bfdSessNegotiatedInterval       BfdIntervalTC,
     bfdSessNegotiatedEchoInterval   BfdIntervalTC,
     bfdSessNegotiatedDetectMult     BfdMultiplierTC,
     bfdSessAuthPresFlag             TruthValue,
     bfdSessAuthenticationType       BfdSessAuthenticationTypeTC,
     bfdSessAuthenticationKeyID      Integer32,
     bfdSessAuthenticationKey        BfdSessionAuthenticationKeyTC,
     bfdSessStorageType              StorageType,
     bfdSessRowStatus                RowStatus

 bfdSessIndex OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     BfdSessIndexTC
     MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
     STATUS     current
         "This object contains an index used to represent a
          unique BFD session on this device."
     ::= { bfdSessEntry 1 }

 bfdSessVersionNumber OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Unsigned32 (0..7)
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "The version number of the BFD protocol that this session
          is running in. Write access is available for this object
          to provide ability to set desired version for this
          BFD session."
         "Katz, D. and D. Ward, Bidirectional Forwarding
           Detection (BFD), RFC 5880, June 2012."
     DEFVAL { 1 }
     ::= { bfdSessEntry 2 }

 bfdSessType OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     BfdSessTypeTC
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "This object specifies the type of this BFD session."
     ::= { bfdSessEntry 3 }

 bfdSessDiscriminator OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "This object specifies the local discriminator for this BFD
          session, used to uniquely identify it."
     ::= { bfdSessEntry 4 }

 bfdSessRemoteDiscr OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Unsigned32 (0 | 1..4294967295)
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "This object specifies the session discriminator chosen
          by the remote system for this BFD session.  The value may
          be zero(0) if the remote discriminator is not yet known
          or if the session is in the down or adminDown(1) state."
         "Section 6.8.6, from Katz, D. and D. Ward, Bidirectional 
          Forwarding Detection (BFD), RFC 5880, June 2012."
     ::= { bfdSessEntry 5 }

 bfdSessDestinationUdpPort OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     BfdCtrlDestPortNumberTC
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "This object specifies the destination UDP port number
          used for this BFD session's control packets. The value
          may be zero(0) if the session is in adminDown(1) state."
     DEFVAL { 0 }
     ::= { bfdSessEntry 6 }

 bfdSessSourceUdpPort OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     BfdCtrlSourcePortNumberTC
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "This object specifies the source UDP port number used
          for this BFD session's control packets. The value may be
          zero(0) if the session is in adminDown(1) state. Upon
          creation of a new BFD session via this MIB, the value of
          zero(0) specified would permit the implementation to
          choose its own source port number."
     DEFVAL { 0 }
     ::= { bfdSessEntry 7 }

 bfdSessEchoSourceUdpPort OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     InetPortNumber
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "This object specifies the source UDP port number used for
          this BFD session's echo packets. The value may be zero(0)
          if the session is not running in the echo mode, or the
          session is in adminDown(1) state. Upon creation of a new
          BFD session via this MIB, the value of zero(0) would
          permit the implementation to choose its own source port
     DEFVAL { 0 }
     ::= { bfdSessEntry 8 }

 bfdSessAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
             "A transition from 'stop' to 'start' will start
              the BFD state machine for the session. The state
              machine will have an initial state of down.
              A transition from 'start' to 'stop' will cause
              the BFD session to be brought down to
              adminDown(1). Care should be used in providing
              write access to this object without adequate
     DEFVAL { 2 }
     ::= { bfdSessEntry 9 }

 bfdSessState OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     BfdSessStateTC
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "BFD session state."
     DEFVAL { 2 }
     ::= { bfdSessEntry 10 }

 bfdSessRemoteHeardFlag OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     TruthValue
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "This object specifies status of BFD packet reception from
          the remote system. Specifically, it is set to true(1) if
          the local system is actively receiving BFD packets from the
          remote system, and is set to false(2) if the local system
          has not received BFD packets recently (within the detection
          time) or if the local system is attempting to tear down
          the BFD session."
         "Katz, D. and D. Ward, Bidirectional 
          Forwarding Detection (BFD), RFC 5880, June 2012."
     DEFVAL { false }
     ::= { bfdSessEntry 11 }

 bfdSessDiag OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     BfdDiagTC
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "A diagnostic code specifying the local system's reason
          for the last transition of the session from up(4)
          to some other state."
     ::= { bfdSessEntry 12 }

 bfdSessOperMode OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     BfdSessOperModeTC
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "This object specifies current operating mode that BFD
          session is operating in."
     ::= { bfdSessEntry 13 }

 bfdSessDemandModeDesiredFlag OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     TruthValue
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "This object indicates that the local system's
          desire to use Demand mode. Specifically, it is set
          to true(1) if the local system wishes to use
          Demand mode or false(2) if not"
     DEFVAL { false }
     ::= { bfdSessEntry 14 }

 bfdSessControlPlaneIndepFlag OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     TruthValue
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "This object indicates that the local system's
          ability to continue to function through a disruption of
          the control plane. Specifically, it is set
          to true(1) if the local system BFD implementation is
          independent of the control plane. Otherwise, the
          value is set to false(2)"
     DEFVAL { false }
     ::= { bfdSessEntry 15 }

 bfdSessMultipointFlag OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     TruthValue
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "This object indicates the Multipoint (M) bit for this
          session. It is set to true(1) if Multipoint (M) bit is
          set to 1. Otherwise, the value is set to false(2)"
     DEFVAL { false }
     ::= { bfdSessEntry 16 }

 bfdSessInterface OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     InterfaceIndexOrZero
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "This object contains an interface index used to indicate
          the interface which this BFD session is running on. This
          value can be zero if there is no interface associated
          with this BFD session."
     ::= { bfdSessEntry 17 }

 bfdSessSrcAddrType OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     InetAddressType
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "This object specifies IP address type of the source IP
          address of this BFD session. Only values unknown(0),
          ipv4(1), ipv6(2), or ipv6z(4) have to be supported.
          The value of unknown(0) is allowed only when the session
          is singleHop(1) and the source IP address of this BFD
          session is derived from the outgoing interface, or when
          the BFD session is not associated with a specific
          interface. If any other unsupported values are attempted
          in a set operation, the agent MUST return an
          inconsistentValue error."
   ::= { bfdSessEntry 18 }

 bfdSessSrcAddr OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     InetAddress
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "This object specifies the source IP address of this BFD
     ::= { bfdSessEntry 19 }

 bfdSessDstAddrType OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     InetAddressType
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "This object specifies IP address type of the neighboring IP
          address which is being monitored with this BFD session.
          Only values unknown(0), ipv4(1), ipv6(2), or ipv6z(4)
          have to be supported. The value of unknown(0) is allowed
          only when the session is singleHop(1) and the outgoing
          interface is of type point-to-point, or when the BFD
          session is not associated with a specific interface. If any
          other unsupported values are attempted in a set operation,
          the agent MUST return an inconsistentValue error."
   ::= { bfdSessEntry 20 }

 bfdSessDstAddr OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     InetAddress
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "This object specifies the neighboring IP address which is
          being monitored with this BFD session."
     ::= { bfdSessEntry 21 }

     SYNTAX  TruthValue
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS current
        "Setting the value of this object to true(1) will enable GTSM
         protection of the BFD session.  GTSM MUST be enabled on a
         singleHop(1) session if no authentication is in use."
        "RFC5082, The Generalized TTL Security Mechanism (GTSM).
         RFC5881, Section 5"
     DEFVAL { false }
     ::= { bfdSessEntry 22 }

     SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255)
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS current
         "This object is valid only when bfdSessGTSM protection is
          enabled on the system. This object specifies the minimum
          allowed TTL for received BFD control packets. For
          singleHop(1) session, if GTSM protection is enabled,
          this object SHOULD be set to maximum TTL allowed for
          single hop. The value of zero(0) indicates that
          bfdSessGTSM is disabled."
        "RFC5082, The Generalized TTL Security Mechanism (GTSM).
         RFC5881, Section 5"
     DEFVAL { 0 }
     ::= { bfdSessEntry 23 }

 bfdSessDesiredMinTxInterval OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     BfdIntervalTC
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "This object specifies the minimum interval, in
          microseconds, that the local system would like to use
          when transmitting BFD Control packets. The value of
          zero(0) is reserved, and should not be used."
         "Section 4.1 from Katz, D. and D. Ward, Bidirectional 
          Forwarding Detection (BFD), RFC 5880, June 2012."
     ::= { bfdSessEntry 24 }

 bfdSessReqMinRxInterval OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     BfdIntervalTC
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "This object specifies the minimum interval, in
          microseconds, between received  BFD Control packets the
          local system is capable of supporting. The value of
          zero(0) can be specified when the transmitting system
          does not want the remote system to send any periodic BFD
          control packets."
         "Section 4.1 from Katz, D. and D. Ward, Bidirectional 
          Forwarding Detection (BFD), RFC 5880, June 2012."
     ::= { bfdSessEntry 25 }

 bfdSessReqMinEchoRxInterval OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     BfdIntervalTC
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "This object specifies the minimum interval, in
          microseconds, between received BFD Echo packets that this
          system is capable of supporting. Value must be zero(0) if
          this is a multihop BFD session."
     ::= { bfdSessEntry 26 }

 bfdSessDetectMult OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     BfdMultiplierTC
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "This object specifies the Detect time multiplier."
     ::= { bfdSessEntry 27 }

 bfdSessNegotiatedInterval OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     BfdIntervalTC
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "This object specifies the negotiated interval, in
          microseconds, that the local system is transmitting
          BFD Control packets."
     ::= { bfdSessEntry 28 }

 bfdSessNegotiatedEchoInterval OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     BfdIntervalTC
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "This object specifies the negotiated interval, in
          microseconds, that the local system is transmitting
          BFD echo packets. Value is expected to be zero if
          the sessions is not running in echo mode."
     ::= { bfdSessEntry 29 }

 bfdSessNegotiatedDetectMult OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     BfdMultiplierTC
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "This object specifies the Detect time multiplier."
     ::= { bfdSessEntry 30 }

 bfdSessAuthPresFlag OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     TruthValue
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "This object indicates that the local system's
          desire to use Authentication. Specifically, it is set
          to true(1) if the local system wishes the session
          to be authenticated or false(2) if not."
         "Sections 4.2 - 4.4 from Katz, D. and D. Ward, 
          Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD), RFC 5880, 
          June 2012."
     DEFVAL { false }
     ::= { bfdSessEntry 31 }

 bfdSessAuthenticationType OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     BfdSessAuthenticationTypeTC
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "The Authentication Type used for this BFD session.
          This field is valid only when the Authentication
          Present bit is set. Max-access to this object as well as
          other authentication related objects are set to
          read-create in order to support management of a single
          key ID at a time, key rotation is not handled. Key update
          in practice must be done by atomic update using a set
          containing all affected objects in the same varBindList
          or otherwise risk the session dropping. Value -1
          indicates that no authentication is in use for this
         "Sections 4.2 - 4.4 from Katz, D. and D. Ward, 
          Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD), RFC 5880, 
          June 2012."
     DEFVAL { -1 }
     ::= { bfdSessEntry 32 }

 bfdSessAuthenticationKeyID OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Integer32 (-1 | 0..255)
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "The authentication key ID in use for this session.  This
          object permits multiple keys to be active simultaneously.
          When bfdSessAuthPresFlag is false(2), then the value
          of this object MUST be -1.  The value -1 indicates that
          no Authentication Key ID will be present in the optional
          BFD Authentication Section."
         "Sections 4.2 - 4.4 from Katz, D. and D. Ward, 
          Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD), RFC 5880, 
          June 2012."
     DEFVAL { -1 }
     ::= { bfdSessEntry 33 }

 bfdSessAuthenticationKey OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     BfdSessionAuthenticationKeyTC
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "The authentication key.  When the
          bfdSessAuthenticationType is simplePassword(1), the value
          of this object is the password present in the BFD packets.

          When the bfdSessAuthentication type is one of the keyed
          authentication types, this value is used in the
          computation of the key present in the BFD authentication
         "Sections 4.2 - 4.4 from Katz, D. and D. Ward, 
          Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD), RFC 5880, 
          June 2012."
     ::= { bfdSessEntry 34 }

 bfdSessStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     StorageType
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "This variable indicates the storage type for this
          object. Conceptual rows having the value
          'permanent' need not allow write-access to any
          columnar objects in the row."
     ::= { bfdSessEntry 35 }

 bfdSessRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     RowStatus
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "This variable is used to create, modify, and/or
          delete a row in this table. When a row in this
          table has a row in the active(1) state, no
          objects in this row can be modified except the
          bfdSessRowStatus and bfdSessStorageType."
     ::= { bfdSessEntry 36 }

-- BFD Session Performance Table

 bfdSessPerfTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF BfdSessPerfEntry
     MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
     STATUS     current
         "This table specifies BFD Session performance counters."
     ::= { bfdObjects 3 }

 bfdSessPerfEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     BfdSessPerfEntry
     MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
     STATUS     current
         "An entry in this table is created by a BFD-enabled node
          for every BFD Session. bfdSessPerfDiscTime is used to
          indicate potential discontinuity for all counter objects
          in this table."
     AUGMENTS    { bfdSessEntry }
     ::= { bfdSessPerfTable 1 }

 BfdSessPerfEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    bfdSessPerfCtrlPktIn           Counter32,
    bfdSessPerfCtrlPktOut          Counter32,
    bfdSessPerfCtrlPktDrop         Counter32,
    bfdSessPerfCtrlPktDropLastTime TimeStamp,
    bfdSessPerfEchoPktIn           Counter32,
    bfdSessPerfEchoPktOut          Counter32,
    bfdSessPerfEchoPktDrop         Counter32,
    bfdSessPerfEchoPktDropLastTime TimeStamp,
    bfdSessUpTime                  TimeStamp,
    bfdSessPerfLastSessDownTime    TimeStamp,
    bfdSessPerfLastCommLostDiag    BfdDiagTC,
    bfdSessPerfSessUpCount         Counter32,
    bfdSessPerfDiscTime            TimeStamp,

    -- High Capacity Counters
    bfdSessPerfCtrlPktInHC         Counter64,
    bfdSessPerfCtrlPktOutHC        Counter64,
    bfdSessPerfCtrlPktDropHC       Counter64,
    bfdSessPerfEchoPktInHC         Counter64,
    bfdSessPerfEchoPktOutHC        Counter64,
    bfdSessPerfEchoPktDropHC       Counter64

-- Ed Note: should we add per-diag code counts here,

 bfdSessPerfCtrlPktIn OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "The total number of BFD control messages received for this
          BFD session.

          It MUST be equal to the least significant 32 bits of
          bfdSessPerfCtrlPktInHC if supported, and MUST do so
          with the rules spelled out in RFC 2863."             
     ::= { bfdSessPerfEntry 1 }

 bfdSessPerfCtrlPktOut OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "The total number of BFD control messages sent for this BFD

          It MUST be equal to the least significant 32 bits of
          bfdSessPerfCtrlPktOutHC if supported, and MUST do so
          with the rules spelled out in RFC 2863."             
     ::= { bfdSessPerfEntry 2 }

 bfdSessPerfCtrlPktDrop OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "The total number of BFD control messages received for this
          session yet dropped for being invalid. 

          It MUST be equal to the least significant 32 bits of
          bfdSessPerfCtrlPktDropHC if supported, and MUST do so
          with the rules spelled out in RFC 2863."             
     ::= { bfdSessPerfEntry 3 }

 bfdSessPerfCtrlPktDropLastTime OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     TimeStamp
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "The value of sysUpTime on the most recent occasion at
          which received BFD control message for this session was
          dropped. If no such up event exists, this object contains
          a zero value."
     ::= { bfdSessPerfEntry 4 }

 bfdSessPerfEchoPktIn OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "The total number of BFD echo messages received for this
          BFD session. 

          It MUST be equal to the least significant 32 bits of
          bfdSessPerfEchoPktInHC if supported, and MUST do so
          with the rules spelled out in RFC 2863."             
     ::= { bfdSessPerfEntry 5 }

 bfdSessPerfEchoPktOut OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "The total number of BFD echo messages sent for this BFD

          It MUST be equal to the least significant 32 bits of
          bfdSessPerfEchoPktOutHC if supported, and MUST do so
          with the rules spelled out in RFC 2863."             
     ::= { bfdSessPerfEntry 6 }

 bfdSessPerfEchoPktDrop OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "The total number of BFD echo messages received for this
          session yet dropped for being invalid. 

          It MUST be equal to the least significant 32 bits of
          bfdSessPerfEchoPktDropHC if supported, and MUST do so
          with the rules spelled out in RFC 2863."             
     ::= { bfdSessPerfEntry 7 }

 bfdSessPerfEchoPktDropLastTime OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     TimeStamp
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "The value of sysUpTime on the most recent occasion at
          which received BFD echo message for this session was
          dropped. If no such up event exists, this object contains
          a zero value."
     ::= { bfdSessPerfEntry 8 }

 bfdSessUpTime OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     TimeStamp
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "The value of sysUpTime on the most recent occasion at which
          the session came up. If no such up event exists this object
          contains a zero value."
     ::= { bfdSessPerfEntry 9 }

 bfdSessPerfLastSessDownTime OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     TimeStamp
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "The value of sysUpTime on the most recent occasion at
          which the last time communication was lost with the
          neighbor. If no such down event exist this object
          contains a zero value."
     ::= { bfdSessPerfEntry 10 }

 bfdSessPerfLastCommLostDiag OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     BfdDiagTC
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "The BFD diag code for the last time communication was lost
          with the neighbor. If no such down event exists this object
          contains a zero value."
     ::= { bfdSessPerfEntry 11 }

 bfdSessPerfSessUpCount OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "The number of times this session has gone into the Up
          state since the system last rebooted."
     ::= { bfdSessPerfEntry 12 }

 bfdSessPerfDiscTime OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     TimeStamp
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
       "The value of sysUpTime on the most recent occasion at
        which any one or more of the session counters suffered
        a discontinuity.

        The relevant counters are the specific instances associated
        with this BFD session of any Counter32 object contained in
        the BfdSessPerfTable. If no such discontinuities have
        occurred since the last re-initialization of the local
        management subsystem, then this object contains a zero
     ::= { bfdSessPerfEntry 13 }

 bfdSessPerfCtrlPktInHC OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Counter64
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "This value represents the total number of BFD control
          messages received for this BFD session. 

          The least significant 32 bits MUST equal to
          bfdSessPerfCtrlPktIn, and MUST do so with
          the rules spelled out in RFC 2863."
     ::= { bfdSessPerfEntry 14 }

 bfdSessPerfCtrlPktOutHC OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Counter64
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "This value represents the total number of BFD control
          messages transmitted for this BFD session.

          The least significant 32 bits MUST equal to
          bfdSessPerfCtrlPktOut, and MUST do so with
          the rules spelled out in RFC 2863."
     ::= { bfdSessPerfEntry 15 }

 bfdSessPerfCtrlPktDropHC OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Counter64
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "This value represents the total number of BFD control
          messages received for this BFD session yet dropped for
          being invalid.

          The least significant 32 bits MUST equal to
          bfdSessPerfCtrlPktDrop, and MUST do so with
          the rules spelled out in RFC 2863."
     ::= { bfdSessPerfEntry 16 }

 bfdSessPerfEchoPktInHC OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Counter64
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "This value represents the total number of BFD echo
          messages received for this BFD session.

          The least significant 32 bits MUST equal to
          bfdSessPerfEchoPktIn, and MUST do so with
          the rules spelled out in RFC 2863."
     ::= { bfdSessPerfEntry 17 }

 bfdSessPerfEchoPktOutHC OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Counter64
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "This value represents the total number of BFD echo
          messages transmitted for this BFD session.

          The least significant 32 bits MUST equal to
          bfdSessPerfEchoPktOut, and MUST do so with
          the rules spelled out in RFC 2863."
     ::= { bfdSessPerfEntry 18 }

 bfdSessPerfEchoPktDropHC OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Counter64
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "This value represents the total number of BFD echo
          messages received for this BFD session yet dropped
          for being invalid.

          The least significant 32 bits MUST equal to
          bfdSessPerfEchoPktDrop, and MUST do so with
          the rules spelled out in RFC 2863."
     ::= { bfdSessPerfEntry 19 }

-- BFD Session Discriminator Mapping Table

 bfdSessDiscMapTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF BfdSessDiscMapEntry
     MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
     STATUS     current
         "The BFD Session Discriminator Mapping Table maps a
          local discriminator value to associated BFD session's
          BfdSessIndexTC used in the bfdSessionTable."
     ::= { bfdObjects 4 }

 bfdSessDiscMapEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     BfdSessDiscMapEntry
     MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
     STATUS     current
         "The BFD Session Discriminator Map Entry describes
          BFD session that is mapped to this BfdSessIndexTC."
     INDEX { bfdSessDiscriminator }
     ::= { bfdSessDiscMapTable 1 }

 BfdSessDiscMapEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
     bfdSessDiscMapIndex            BfdSessIndexTC,
     bfdSessDiscMapStorageType      StorageType,
     bfdSessDiscMapRowStatus        RowStatus

 bfdSessDiscMapIndex OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     BfdSessIndexTC
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "This object specifies the BfdSessIndexTC referred to by
          the indices of this row. In essence, a mapping is
          provided between these indexes and the BfdSessTable."
     ::= { bfdSessDiscMapEntry 1 }

 bfdSessDiscMapStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     StorageType
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "This variable indicates the storage type for this
          object. Conceptual rows having the value
          'permanent' need not allow write-access to any
          columnar objects in the row."
     ::= { bfdSessDiscMapEntry 2 }

 bfdSessDiscMapRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     RowStatus
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "This variable is used to create, modify, and/or
          delete a row in this table. When a row in this
          table has a row in the active(1) state, no
          objects in this row can be modified except the
          bfdSessDiscMapRowStatus and bfdSessDiscMapStorageType."
     ::= { bfdSessDiscMapEntry 3 }

-- BFD Session IP Mapping Table

 bfdSessIpMapTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF BfdSessIpMapEntry
     MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
     STATUS     current
         "The BFD Session IP Mapping Table maps given
          bfdSessInterface, bfdSessSrcAddrType, bfdSessSrcAddr,
          bfdSessDstAddrType and bfdSessDstAddr
          to an associated BFD session's BfdSessIndexTC used in
          the bfdSessionTable."
     ::= { bfdObjects 5 }

 bfdSessIpMapEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     BfdSessIpMapEntry
     MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
     STATUS     current
        "The BFD Session IP Map Entry describes
         BFD session that is mapped to this BfdSessIndexTC."
     INDEX {
     ::= { bfdSessIpMapTable 1 }

 BfdSessIpMapEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
     bfdSessIpMapIndex            BfdSessIndexTC,
     bfdSessIpMapStorageType      StorageType,
     bfdSessIpMapRowStatus        RowStatus

 bfdSessIpMapIndex OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     BfdSessIndexTC
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "This object specifies the BfdSessIndexTC referred to by
          the indexes of this row. In essence, a mapping is
          provided between these indexes and the BfdSessTable."
     ::= { bfdSessIpMapEntry 1 }

 bfdSessIpMapStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     StorageType
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "This variable indicates the storage type for this
          object. Conceptual rows having the value
          'permanent' need not allow write-access to any
          columnar objects in the row."
     ::= { bfdSessIpMapEntry 2 }

 bfdSessIpMapRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     RowStatus
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "This variable is used to create, modify, and/or
          delete a row in this table. When a row in this
          table has a row in the active(1) state, no
          objects in this row can be modified except the
          bfdSessIpMapRowStatus and bfdSessIpMapStorageType."
     ::= { bfdSessIpMapEntry 3 }

-- Notification Configuration

     OBJECTS {
         bfdSessDiag, -- low range value
         bfdSessDiag  -- high range value
     STATUS     current
         "This notification is generated when the
          bfdSessState object for one or more contiguous
          entries in bfdSessTable are about to enter the up(4)
          state from some other state. The included values of
          bfdSessDiag MUST both be set equal to this
          new state (i.e: up(4)).  The two instances of
          bfdSessDiag in this notification indicate the range
          of indexes that are affected.  Note that all the indexes
          of the two ends of the range can be derived from the
          instance identifiers of these two objects.  For the
          cases where a contiguous range of sessions
          have transitioned into the up(4) state at roughly
          the same time, the device SHOULD issue a single
          notification for each range of contiguous indexes in
          an effort to minimize the emission of a large number
          of notifications.  If a notification has to be
          issued for just a single bfdSessEntry, then
          the instance identifier (and values) of the two
          bfdSessDiag objects MUST be the identical."
     ::= { bfdNotifications 1 }

     OBJECTS {
         bfdSessDiag, -- low range value
         bfdSessDiag  -- high range value
     STATUS     current
         "This notification is generated when the
          bfdSessState object for one or more contiguous
          entries in bfdSessTable are about to enter the down(2)
          or adminDown(1) states from some other state. The included
          values of bfdSessDiag MUST both be set equal to this new
          state (i.e: down(2) or adminDown(1)).  The two instances
          of bfdSessDiag in this notification indicate the range
          of indexes that are affected.  Note that all the indexes
          of the two ends of the range can be derived from the
          instance identifiers of these two objects.  For
          cases where a contiguous range of sessions
          have transitioned into the down(2) or adminDown(1) states
          at roughly the same time, the device SHOULD issue a single
          notification for each range of contiguous indexes in
          an effort to minimize the emission of a large number
          of notifications.  If a notification has to be
          issued for just a single bfdSessEntry, then
          the instance identifier (and values) of the two
          bfdSessDiag objects MUST be the identical."
     ::= { bfdNotifications 2 }

-- Ed Note: We need to add notification for changes
-- when the two ends automatically negotiate to a new detection time
-- value or when detection multiplier changes.

-- Module compliance.

     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bfdConformance 1 }

     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bfdConformance 2 }

-- Compliance requirement for fully compliant implementations.

 bfdModuleFullCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
     STATUS current
         "Compliance statement for agents that provide full
          support for the BFD-MIB module. Such devices can
          then be monitored and also be configured using
          this MIB module."

     MODULE -- This module.


     GROUP        bfdSessionPerfHCGroup
     DESCRIPTION  "This group is mandatory for all systems that
                   are able to support the Counter64 date type."

     OBJECT       bfdSessSrcAddrType
     SYNTAX       InetAddressType { unknown(0), ipv4(1),
                                    ipv6(2), ipv6z(4) }
     DESCRIPTION  "Only unknown(0), ipv4(1), ipv6(2) and ipv6z(4)
                   support are required."

     OBJECT       bfdSessSrcAddr
     SYNTAX       InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16|20))
     DESCRIPTION  "An implementation is only required to support
                   unknown(0), ipv4(1), ipv6(2) and ipv6z(4) sizes."

     OBJECT       bfdSessDstAddrType
     SYNTAX       InetAddressType { unknown(0), ipv4(1),
                                    ipv6(2), ipv6z(4) }
     DESCRIPTION  "Only unknown(0), ipv4(1), ipv6(2) and ipv6z(4)
                   support are required."

     OBJECT       bfdSessDstAddr
     SYNTAX       InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16|20))
     DESCRIPTION  "An implementation is only required to support
                   unknown(0), ipv4(1), ipv6(2) and ipv6z(4) sizes."

     OBJECT       bfdSessRowStatus
     SYNTAX       RowStatus { active(1), notInService(2) }
     WRITE-SYNTAX RowStatus { active(1), notInService(2),
                              createAndGo(4), destroy(6) }
     DESCRIPTION  "Support for createAndWait and notReady is not

     OBJECT       bfdSessDiscMapRowStatus
     SYNTAX       RowStatus { active(1), notInService(2) }
     WRITE-SYNTAX RowStatus { active(1), notInService(2),
                              createAndGo(4), destroy(6) }
     DESCRIPTION  "Support for createAndWait and notReady is not

     OBJECT       bfdSessIpMapRowStatus
     SYNTAX       RowStatus { active(1), notInService(2) }
     WRITE-SYNTAX RowStatus { active(1), notInService(2),
                              createAndGo(4), destroy(6) }
     DESCRIPTION  "Support for createAndWait and notReady is not

     ::= { bfdCompliances 1 }

 bfdModuleReadOnlyCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
     STATUS current
         "Compliance requirement for implementations that only
          provide read-only support for BFD-MIB. Such devices
          can then be monitored but cannot be configured using
          this MIB module."

     MODULE -- This module.


     GROUP        bfdSessionPerfHCGroup
     DESCRIPTION  "This group is mandatory for all systems that
                   are able to support the Counter64 date type."

     OBJECT       bfdSessVersionNumber
     MIN-ACCESS   read-only
     DESCRIPTION  "Write access is not required."

     OBJECT       bfdSessType
     MIN-ACCESS   read-only
     DESCRIPTION  "Write access is not required."

     OBJECT       bfdSessDiscriminator
     MIN-ACCESS   read-only
     DESCRIPTION  "Write access is not required."

     OBJECT       bfdSessDestinationUdpPort
     MIN-ACCESS   read-only
     DESCRIPTION  "Write access is not required."

     OBJECT       bfdSessSourceUdpPort
     MIN-ACCESS   read-only
     DESCRIPTION  "Write access is not required."

     OBJECT       bfdSessEchoSourceUdpPort
     MIN-ACCESS   read-only
     DESCRIPTION  "Write access is not required."

     OBJECT       bfdSessAdminStatus
     MIN-ACCESS   read-only
     DESCRIPTION  "Write access is not required."

     OBJECT       bfdSessOperMode
     MIN-ACCESS   read-only
     DESCRIPTION  "Write access is not required."

     OBJECT       bfdSessDemandModeDesiredFlag
     MIN-ACCESS   read-only
     DESCRIPTION  "Write access is not required."

     OBJECT       bfdSessControlPlaneIndepFlag
     MIN-ACCESS   read-only
     DESCRIPTION  "Write access is not required."

     OBJECT       bfdSessMultipointFlag
     MIN-ACCESS   read-only
     DESCRIPTION  "Write access is not required."

     OBJECT       bfdSessInterface
     MIN-ACCESS   read-only
     DESCRIPTION  "Write access is not required."

     OBJECT       bfdSessSrcAddrType
     SYNTAX       InetAddressType { unknown(0), ipv4(1),
                                    ipv6(2), ipv6z(4) }
     MIN-ACCESS   read-only
     DESCRIPTION  "Only unknown(0), ipv4(1), ipv6(2) and ipv6z(4)
                   support are required."

     OBJECT       bfdSessSrcAddr
     SYNTAX       InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16|20))
     MIN-ACCESS   read-only
     DESCRIPTION  "An implementation is only required to support
                   unknown(0), ipv4(1), ipv6(2) and ipv6z(4) sizes."

     OBJECT       bfdSessDstAddrType
     SYNTAX       InetAddressType { unknown(0), ipv4(1),
                                    ipv6(2), ipv6z(4) }
     MIN-ACCESS   read-only
     DESCRIPTION  "Only unknown(0), ipv4(1), ipv6(2) and ipv6z(4)
                   support are required."

     OBJECT       bfdSessDstAddr
     SYNTAX       InetAddress (SIZE (0|4|16|20))
     MIN-ACCESS   read-only
     DESCRIPTION  "An implementation is only required to support
                   unknown(0), ipv4(1), ipv6(2) and ipv6z(4) sizes."

     OBJECT       bfdSessGTSM
     MIN-ACCESS   read-only
     DESCRIPTION  "Write access is not required."

     OBJECT       bfdSessGTSMTTL
     MIN-ACCESS   read-only
     DESCRIPTION  "Write access is not required."

     OBJECT       bfdSessDesiredMinTxInterval
     MIN-ACCESS   read-only
     DESCRIPTION  "Write access is not required."

     OBJECT       bfdSessReqMinRxInterval
     MIN-ACCESS   read-only
     DESCRIPTION  "Write access is not required."

     OBJECT       bfdSessReqMinEchoRxInterval
     MIN-ACCESS   read-only
     DESCRIPTION  "Write access is not required."

     OBJECT       bfdSessDetectMult
     MIN-ACCESS   read-only
     DESCRIPTION  "Write access is not required."

     OBJECT       bfdSessAuthPresFlag
     MIN-ACCESS   read-only
     DESCRIPTION  "Write access is not required."

     OBJECT       bfdSessAuthenticationType
     MIN-ACCESS   read-only
     DESCRIPTION  "Write access is not required."

     OBJECT       bfdSessAuthenticationKeyID
     MIN-ACCESS   read-only
     DESCRIPTION  "Write access is not required."

     OBJECT       bfdSessAuthenticationKey
     MIN-ACCESS   read-only
     DESCRIPTION  "Write access is not required."

     OBJECT       bfdSessStorageType
     MIN-ACCESS   read-only
     DESCRIPTION  "Write access is not required."

     OBJECT       bfdSessRowStatus
     SYNTAX       RowStatus { active(1) }
     MIN-ACCESS   read-only
     DESCRIPTION  "Write access is not required."

     OBJECT       bfdSessDiscMapStorageType
     MIN-ACCESS   read-only
     DESCRIPTION  "Write access is not required."

     OBJECT       bfdSessDiscMapRowStatus
     SYNTAX       RowStatus { active(1) }
     MIN-ACCESS   read-only
     DESCRIPTION  "Write access is not required."

     OBJECT       bfdSessIpMapStorageType
     MIN-ACCESS   read-only
     DESCRIPTION  "Write access is not required."

     OBJECT       bfdSessIpMapRowStatus
     SYNTAX       RowStatus { active(1) }
     MIN-ACCESS   read-only
     DESCRIPTION  "Write access is not required."

     ::= { bfdCompliances 2 }

-- Units of conformance.

 bfdSessionGroup OBJECT-GROUP
     OBJECTS {
     STATUS     current
         "Collection of objects needed for BFD sessions."
     ::= { bfdGroups 1 }

 bfdSessionReadOnlyGroup OBJECT-GROUP
     OBJECTS {
     STATUS     current
         "Collection of read-only objects needed for BFD sessions."
     ::= { bfdGroups 2 }

 bfdSessionPerfGroup OBJECT-GROUP
     OBJECTS {
     STATUS     current
         "Collection of objects needed to monitor the
          performance of BFD sessions."
     ::= { bfdGroups 3 }

 bfdSessionPerfHCGroup OBJECT-GROUP
     OBJECTS {
     STATUS     current
         "Collection of objects needed to monitor the
          performance of BFD sessions for which the
          values of bfdSessPerfPktIn, bfdSessPerfPktOut
          wrap around too quickly."
     ::= { bfdGroups 4 }

 bfdNotificationGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
     STATUS     current
         "Set of notifications implemented in this
     ::= { bfdGroups 5 }


6. Security Considerations

As BFD may be tied into the stability of the network infrastructure (such as routing protocols), the effects of an attack on a BFD session may be very serious. This ultimately has denial-of-service effects, as links may be declared to be down (or falsely declared to be up.) As such, improper manipulation of the objects represented by this MIB may result in denial of service to a large number of end- users.

There are a number of management objects defined in this MIB module with a MAX-ACCESS clause of read-write and/or read-create. Such objects may be considered sensitive or vulnerable in some network environments. The support for SET operations in a non-secure environment without proper protection can have a negative effect on network operations. These are the tables and objects and their sensitivity/vulnerability:

There are a number of management objects defined in this MIB module with a MAX-ACCESS clause of read-write and/or read-create. Such objects may be considered sensitive or vulnerable in some network environments. It is thus important to control even GET and/or NOTIFY access to these objects and possibly to even encrypt the values of these objects when sending them over the network via SNMP.

Some of the readable objects in this MIB module (i.e., objects with a MAX-ACCESS other than not-accessible) may be considered sensitive or vulnerable in some network environments. It is thus important to control even GET and/or NOTIFY access to these objects and possibly to even encrypt the values of these objects when sending them over the network via SNMP. These are the tables and objects and their sensitivity/vulnerability:

The bfdSessAuthenticationType, bfdSessAuthenticationKeyID, and bfdSessAuthenticationKey objects hold security methods and associated security keys of BFD sessions. These objects SHOULD be considered highly sensitive objects. In order for these sensitive information from being improperly accessed, implementers MAY wish to disallow read and create access to these objects.

SNMP versions prior to SNMPv3 did not include adequate security. Even if the network itself is secure "for example by using IPSec", even then, there is no control as to who on the secure network is allowed to access and GET/SET "read/change/create/delete" the objects in these MIB modules.

It is RECOMMENDED that implementers consider the security features as provided by the SNMPv3 framework (see [RFC3410], section 8), including full support for the SNMPv3 cryptographic mechanisms "for authentication and privacy".

Further, deployment of SNMP versions prior to SNMPv3 is NOT RECOMMENDED. Instead, it is RECOMMENDED to deploy SNMPv3 and to enable cryptographic security. It is then a customer/operator responsibility to ensure that the SNMP entity giving access to an instance of this MIB module, is properly configured to give access to the objects only to those principals "users" that have legitimate rights to indeed GET or SET "change/create/delete" them.

7. IANA Considerations

     The MIB module in this document uses the following IANA-assigned
     OBJECT IDENTIFIER values recorded in the SMI Numbers registry: 
     Descriptor        OBJECT IDENTIFIER value
     ----------        -----------------------

     bfdMib            { mib-2 XXX }

[Editor's Note (to be removed prior to publication): the IANA is requested to assign a value for "XXX" under the 'mib-2' subtree and to record the assignment in the SMI Numbers registry. When the assignment has been made, the RFC Editor is asked to replace "XXX" (here and in the MIB module) with the assigned value and to remove this note.]

This document also requests IANA to manage the registry for the BfdDiagTC object.

8. References

8.1. Normative References

[RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.
[RFC2578] McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D. and J. Schoenwaelder, "Structure of Management Information Version 2 (SMIv2)", STD 58, RFC 2578, April 1999.
[RFC2579] McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D. and J. Schoenwaelder, "Textual Conventions for SMIv2", STD 58, RFC 2579, April 1999.
[RFC2580] McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D. and J. Schoenwaelder, "Conformance Statements for SMIv2", STD 58, RFC 2580, April 1999.
[RFC5880] Katz, D. and D. Ward, "Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD)", RFC 5880, June 2010.
[RFC5881] Katz, D. and D. Ward, "Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) for IPv4 and IPv6 (Single Hop)", RFC 5881, June 2010.
[RFC5883] Katz, D. and D. Ward, "Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) for Multihop Paths", RFC 5883, June 2010.
[I-D.ietf-bfd-tc-mib] Nadeau, T., Ali, Z. and N. Akiya, "Definitions of Textual Conventions (TCs) for Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) Management", Internet-Draft draft-ietf-bfd-tc-mib-01, June 2012.

8.2. Informative References

[RFC3410] Case, J., Mundy, R., Partain, D. and B. Stewart, "Introduction and Applicability Statements for Internet-Standard Management Framework", RFC 3410, December 2002.
[RFC4001] Daniele, M., Haberman, B., Routhier, S. and J. Schoenwaelder, "Textual Conventions for Internet Network Addresses", RFC 4001, February 2005.
[RFC2863] McCloghrie, K. and F. Kastenholz, "The Interfaces Group MIB", RFC 2863, June 2000.
[RFC3413] Levi, D., Meyer, P. and B. Stewart, "Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Applications", STD 62, RFC 3413, December 2002.

Appendix A. Acknowledgments

Authors would like to thank David Ward, Jeffrey Haas, Reshad Rahman, David Toscano, Sylvain Masse, Mark Tooker, and Kiran Koushik Agrahara Sreenivasa for their comments and suggestions.

Authors' Addresses

Thomas D. Nadeau Juniper Networks EMail:
Zafar Ali Cisco Systems EMail:
Nobo Akiya Cisco Systems EMail: